The Journey - Be Loving to your Negatives
Step into and onto your life’s journey. Embrace and discover all that’s meant for you.
Behaviours or Habits
Who wants to continue to repeat the same thing over? I don’t, it’s not very comfortable.
Somewhere, somehow there needs to be acceptance of who you are and how you are.
Understanding Mindbody Connection - Energy
Even though I knew how to listen to my body, I choose to give my power away to others. I was overwhelmed, too much to do, too much to think about. I have been so busy taking care of others, that I just wanted someone else to take of me.
Be gentle, kind and patient
As you learn to ground yourself, observe rather than judge what you see or hear. You come into yourself in a way that gives you peace.
How do we move out of virtual connection to once again physical connection? What are the next steps? Are we risking our lives to be with people? What scares you?
Sugar causes inflammation, and my injury had caused severe inflammation. I had self-sabotaged my healing process, and I knew it!
The Willingness to Change
I have always been a planner. I would anticipate the outcome, put on my blinders and forge on with my day.
Give Yourself Kudos
Louise Hay teaches mirror work. She tells us to look into the mirror and say “I love you, I really really love you”.
What is Truth?
I am a truth seeker who looks at all things with wonder and discerns where the truth is in every situation. Through the vibrational frequencies or energy, I feel the words that are spoken. When harsh words are spoken, they come to me in waves and go through my whole being. Harsh words create an emotional reaction. I may become scared, defensive or judge myself. I stop and think how is this mirroring what I don’t like about myself. Or realize those words are not my issue.