Understanding the MindBody Connection - Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an itchy irritating condition of the skin. I scratch and pick at them. This picking has become a habit. I came to realize that I am picking on myself. My mom used to pick on me or criticize me. I always felt that my mom's actions reflected something about her. I read several self-help books, one of them was I’m OK-You’re OK, by Thomas A. Harris. I concluded that my mom was manic depressive or bipolar. I saw mood swings from happiness to rage. I believed that my mom had been terribly hurt sometime in her life and she was afraid of being hurt again. Her words pushed people away. This was her protection so she could keep them at a safe distance where hurt could not happen.
Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body says:
Probable Cause:
Fear of being hurt. Deadening the senses of the self. Refusing to accept responsibility for our own feelings.
New Thought Pattern:
I am alive to the joys of living. I deserve and accept the very best in life. I love and approve of myself.
If what you’re reading is resonating, let’s chat.
I am an Emotional Energy Healer, Heal Your Life Coach & Teacher.
My mom’s words were very hurtful to me. Mom wanted me to be afraid of being hurt. I am sensitive to words and have spent most of my life being affected by people’s words. I would feel the negative hurtful energy of those words and become afraid. It’s all I knew and believed that’s what I deserved. When I tried standing up for myself, people would say; “I was only kidding or being sarcastic.” This was their way of defection and not taking responsibility for their own words. The energy of words still affects me. However, I am now able to separate myself and understand it’s not all me.
My psoriasis started when I had thoughts of not being intelligent or capable enough to run a national non-profit organization. I began picking on or criticizing myself. My thoughts became words and these words were put into action when the board of directors fired me. When this occurred, I felt I no longer had a purpose, I was hurt and believed that I could not follow my passion of helping others. I had created something so beautiful, why did it have to go away? I believed my life was over. At that time, I didn’t know how to take responsibility for my feelings. I was given anti-anxiety medication and lived in a fog for about a week.
I felt an intense need to help others and believed I knew how. I became employed with a non-profit school for children with learning disabilities, that didn’t work. I shut down and deadened myself. I then decided to go back into logistics. I am a Licensed Customs Broker and Certificated Logistics Coordinator and pursued that profession in my 20’s. That didn’t work either.
I knew there was a missing piece and also the beginning of understanding the importance of connecting to my feelings. I have spent over 15 years connecting to my feelings, understanding emotions, releasing and forgiving things from my past. I now understood that my mom’s criticism of me was a direct reflection of how she felt about herself.
My psoriasis improves at times and then comes back to remind me of the importance of connecting to my feelings. This process of healing from psoriasis has taken many years. I often wonder; when will this all be done?” I have come to understand, that while I am in this in physical form on earth, it will never be done and lessons will always be learned.
I know my true souls’ purpose is helping and serving others. I love the joy of creating something that has never been there before. I love making connections and establishing my tribe. For that is what I am now doing. I am loving this process and loving myself more each day. I am deserving of the life that I am creating and love this path I am walking on.
“I have shut many doors and opened many more. For this new door is the best one yet!”
- Maureen Gaetz- Faubert
Essential oil of Rose, to support loving yourself. Lavender, Melaleuca, and Peppermint.