Dis-ease: Explained
Dis-ease is a term I learned from Louise Hay. It seems so much softer to use that term. To me the word disease, disorder or illness means there is something terribly wrong in me. The word dis-ease disconnects the body from having or manifesting an illness.
Dis-ease is the way your body experiences pain. The pain, discomfort or sensation is caused by emotions that are held within your body. Ignoring these sensations in our bodies causes pain. When we don’t acknowledge and then release these emotions, dis-ease occurs.
Emotions can manifest into dis-eases such as arthritis, cancer and many more. Have you heard of dying from a broken heart? It’s real and physicians do diagnose people with this condition. Yes, people do die as a result of losing a loved one close to them, such as a spouse. Emotions of grief that are not released and held in our bodies can cause death.
Pain does occur when we injure ourselves. The questions that need to be asked are; What thoughts and words brought me to this place and time? Was the injury a way of my body saying, “pay attention”? Pay attention to what caused the injury or how it occurred. What part of your body was injured?
I have experienced many dis-eases and injuries. I have learned from these experiences and now choose to stop and observe my environment. Asking; “what am I feeling right now in this moment and time?”, Along with stopping to feel the sensations in my body - Creates lifelong healthiness.