Understanding the MindBody Connection - Diverticulitis
As I walk this road of health and healing, I have discovered there is so much more to why or how our bodies experience dis-ease.
Diagnoses could be the beginning of understanding your body. When you have a name for the dis-ease it alerts you to what your body has been experiencing. This is the time to embrace the healing. To finding what your body truly needs to heal.
When you stop and ask “why” you are preparing to receive the answer.
When you ask “what” you are prepared to take action.
When you ask “how” you are prepared to accept the tools of healing once again.
Intuitively my body speaks to me and lets me know that I have eaten something it doesn’t like. Do I always understand what that food may be – no. I am still learning.
What I do know is that sugar causes inflammation and processed food is not good for anyone. I have read many food labels, looking mainly for sugar and most times ignoring the preservatives. That’s because it has become commonplace to have preservatives in our foods.
I have had many bowel flare-ups in my lifetime and wasn’t entirely sure what caused them. I would cheat on my eating, doesn’t everyone? I would have sugar sometimes, processed foods and preservatives. It seems that an accumulative effect occurred. Too much of a bad thing(s) caused dis-ease. I have been diagnosed with diverticulitis. I was convinced by a life coach that it was emotional, I realize that’s not entirely true.
In addition to emotions, our bodies react to, food intake, trauma, life experiences, words, thoughts and accidents. Is there more? Probably!
The question I have; Why can others eat unhealthy foods and yet they don’t have a bowel condition. So, why me? Is it because I have a desire to completely heal my life? Possibility. I do strive for healthiness. I incorporate movement, meditation and I am aware of my thoughts and words. I have chosen a path of change and healing my life.
However, this flareup was so brutal physically, I ended up in ER with such severe pain that I passed out. To bring this to a level where I am two weeks in and still having issues digesting food. Can our food intake really cause this much damage? It seems so. Sometimes things just happen in our bodies and there may not be an answer or a diagnosis. Why could that be?
As a Heal Your Life coach I follow Louise Hay and many others who gave us wisdom on healing.
Louise Hay’s book ‘heal your body’ is based on mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them.
If what you’re reading is resonating, let’s chat.
I am an Emotional Energy Healer, Heal Your Life Coach & Teacher.
Probable Cause:
Insecurity. Represents the ease of letting go of that which is over.
That tells me it’s time to dig deep and find out what I need to let go of. Quit holding onto and thinking about what others have done or said to me. Leave the experience behind and bring forward the learning.
New Thought Pattern:
I am part of the perfect rhythm and flow of life. All is in Divine right order.
Huh, perfect rhythm and flow of life. I do know if I wasn’t living, I wouldn’t have this experience.
So, the pain and diagnoses of diverticulitis are in Divine right order? My learning will teach others how to overcome obstacles in their lives. I have gained more beautiful opportunities for learning how to live in this human form and share that with others.
A true awaking of understanding the levels your body will take you to realms you never thought possible. To create the awareness of what is needed to transcend to the next step into healing.
Experience is the true basis of knowing.
Essential oil DigestZen (an oil blend of Peppermint, Cardamom, Coriander, Ginger, Caraway, and Fennel.) For inflammation Thyme.