Understanding the MindBody Connection - TMJ
My Journey to Healing
TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint)
The TMJ connects your lower jaw to your skull, just below the temple and in front of the ear. This hinge joint gives your mouth its range of motion, letting you move your lower jaw up, down and side-to-side.
After many years of living with TMJ pain I understood why I had this issue. In Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life she has a section that explains the Probable Cause of dis-ease and gives a New Thought Pattern.
Probable Cause – Anger, Resentment, Desire for revenge.
I spent most of my life being angry with my mom. I became angry with others when their actions or words reminded me of my mom. I resented my mom for not communicating with me, for not listening to me and for not validating me. I was out for revenge and didn’t understand why! All I wanted was to be heard.
At 12 years old, I started to feel pain behind my teeth. The dentist had no idea why I was having pain. I had no cavities. At the time my dentist was unaware of the symptoms of TMJ. It wasn’t until I was 25 that I found a doctor/dentist who specialized in TMJ. However, I continued to hold onto this anger and resentment for many more years.
New Thought Pattern - I am willing to change the patterns in me that created this condition. I love and approve of myself. I am safe.
Over the last 15 years, I have learned many techniques, one of them is how to release anger. I also took accountability for my own thoughts and words. I forgave others and myself. The most important thing I learned is to love myself.
Essential oils include Rose, to support loving yourself. Frankincense, Lavender, Peppermint. Frankincense is used for reducing inflammation, lavender for relaxing tense muscles, and peppermint for relieving pain.
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I am an Emotional Energy Healer, Heal Your Life Coach & Teacher.
A huge shift occurred when I was taking a communication course. One of the modules required us to change how we communicated with another person in our life. I chose to change the way I had communicated with my mom. My mom had been having mini-strokes for 10 to 15 years. As a result, she was diagnosed with vascular dementia. While completing this module, I began learning how to communicate more effectively with mom. I developed compassion and opened my heart to understanding her. I have gratitude for the woman she was. I forgave her and myself. I found peace.
My validation came on the day my mom passed. Mom passed away on my birthday at 7pm. Mom had given birth to me at 7am on that same day, 58 years earlier. It has been 4 years since mom passed. I miss her each and everyday. I have come to realize that mom’s lack of communication was her way of protecting me from things she had experienced. My mom was unable to talk with me about surface or even complex stuff, because she had things buried so deep she was unable to articulate anything without fear of exposing her past.
I continue to wear a splint due to the damage I caused from the constant grinding of my teeth, then miss-alignment of the teeth (braces did help some) this resulted in severe arthritis in my left TMJ. Essentially, I developed a deformity in the jaw joint in which I do not have a proper biting surface without using a splint.
Today, it’s very rare that I have pain in my TMJ’s. When I do have pain, I connect to the sensation and listen to the message. Once I understand the emotion or cause, I do the work around it. I meditate to find my center and relax that area of my jaw. If needed, I also see a chiropractor that assists in releasing the sensation.
Hi I love sharing information on Emotions; the body, relationships, food, etc. Coming to my website along with your comments tells me that my blogs and my writing have resonated with you. I would appreciate your support through buying me a coffee or a few. This will help me to continue writing my blogs and allow me to share my healing messages. From My Heart to Yours, Maureen