The Body’s Care Guide

Our bodies give us the ability to do what we want. To walk, to run, to skip to enjoy the pleasure of food and experience love.


Keeping our bodies healthy with movement is essential to reduce pain, give us energy and experience the pleasure of enjoying what life has to offer.


The body experiences many pleasures. It can feel pain and ecstasy. The pleasure of food, the textures and tastes are most wonderful. The pleasure of being in the water allowing your body to float and use the water to create resistance and build muscles. The water also gives the body the ability to develop the lungs and breath comes easier.


When we don’t honour our bodies through movement, they begin to seize and then become painful. Our thoughts turn to negativity and our desires are not realized.


Moving our bodies helps us release toxins and pent-up emotions. When we don’t move, toxins and emotions get stuck. Stuck toxins and emotions cause dis-ease. The movement also produces endorphins that reduce stress and creates happiness.


Celebrate how the body moves, how the body holds us as we stand, sit or move. Embrace the breeze that touches your skin as you walk. The soothing heat of the sun. The chirping of the birds as you wake in the morning.


Give your body the opportunity to maintain health through movement, nutritious foods and good choices. So, you may enjoy life to the fullest. As you honour your body is will also honour you by giving you what you ask of it.


Have gratitude for the many ways your body supports you as you move about your day. Thank your body for seeing, feeling, hearing and supporting you in all you do.


I quit doing toning and stretching movements for two weeks. I also didn’t meditate. I experienced pain sitting, standing and sleeping. I did walk, believing that would be all my body needed. I came to realize my body needs several different types of movement and relaxation techniques.


I found the best way to incorporate movement and meditation into my day, is to create a structure. I put this structure into my calendar. Once out of bed, I would do Yoga, stretch, tone movement, meditate and walk. It took my body two weeks to show signs of unhealthiness and only four days to start reducing pain. Now that I created structure it gives me an anticipated pattern to begin my day.

There are one or two days in a week where I don’t do it all. I may choose to do one type of movement only, such as walking or weeding my garden. I’m okay with that and have gratitude that I am moving my body.


Nutrition is equally important to maintaining good health in our bodies. Make it fun and develop a curiosity when cooking and baking. In this way, it won’t be a chore. I use my creativity when making meals and baking. Changing up the recipe, using different ingredients and enjoying the outcome.


Be one with you and your body. It’s a package deal, we come to this earth with a body. When you honour your body, you are honouring Mother Earth. For we are connected to all that is earth, the air, the dirt, the water, the sun, the vegetation. Your body thrives when it becomes part of the environment in which you live. Sit on the grass, swim in the pond, smell the roses, embrace all that’s around you. Open your heart and soul and let all in. Allow yourself to feel the energies that your body experiences.


Enjoy and embrace your beautiful body for it is the source of your physical existence.

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Maureen Gaetz-Faubert

Maureen is an internationally Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Coach and Workshop Teacher passionate about healing from dis-ease. Her healing journey began when she was diagnosed with a rare disorder. Maureen founded and created a one of a kind charitable organization and non-profit provincial society that grew to a national level. Maureen received Women of Distinction from the YWCA for the Lethbridge area for the programs and services she created and offered to the Canadian health sector on Rare Disorders. She also received Citizen of Year in Coaldale, Alberta, where the head office for the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders was located until 2007.

Pain or Sensation…or Something More??


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