Understanding the MindBody Connection - COVID-19
After almost 3 years, I got it!
I was afraid I wouldn't live if I got Covid. But guess what? I lived!
Christmas was 3 weeks away. For those 3 weeks, I felt fatigued with fever and aching, then a day of feeling totally healthy and back to fatigue and aching again. This virus is something I have never experienced before. Interestingly I didn't have much of a sore throat. I had already dealt with the emotions and the throat. I explain that in the blog MindBody Connection – Sore Throat.
After 2 weeks of living with Covid, I started to connect to the emotions I was holding in my body.
I was angry and agitated. Anger can be associated with fever. I had a low-grade fever.
Going deeper, I felt sadness and disappointment. I was grieving that our children were not coming home for Christmas and that it was becoming a pattern.
Their plans were made before I tested positive for Covid, so that didn't keep them away. Christmas was always a special time for me. The coming together of family and friends. This year there would be no coming together.
After 3 weeks, I began to experience dizziness. Was I truly that disconnected or in denial of how I felt? What had/has changed? For many years, the celebration of Christmas has not been the one I used to experience. I feel it has become based in materialism—the expectation of buying "things" we or others don't need.
Many do not celebrate Christmas. The world is full of people with diverse beliefs and understanding of who, where, and what times of the year to celebrate.
Somehow Christmas has been lost to some.
Why is there a holiday or a season called Christmas?
There is a lot of symbolism in this season.
The tree.
If it's live, it symbolizes the birth of Christ. I have a plastic one. Yikes! What does that symbolize? It makes life easier when it comes to setup and maintenance. However, one misses out on the experience of picking out a live tree or cutting one down. Those are energies connecting to life and living things – hence the birth of Christ.
The tree lights.
The light that Christ brought into the world. He taught us the importance of loving and forgiving ourselves and others. He also brought the miracle of healing.
The candy cane.
The original ones were red and white. They symbolized the blood and body of Christ. Over time, several different colours of candy canes were created. What do they symbolize?
I also connected to my feelings of dissolution. Why did I decorate my home, and for who? My home was bright with lights and decorations. I've loved that energy, yet it felt more like a chore this year.
Covid brought so much awareness to me during the season of Christmas and the years before. I discovered that I only need some of the lights and decorations to appreciate the light brought to our world. I have gratitude for the lessons and the learning.
On my spiritual journey, I have discovered that there is a power beyond me. A divine energy that links us all together. The energy of love and acceptance can support us all to be okay in the dark times and thrive in the lighter times. To embrace the wholeness of who we are and what we're striving to become.
I appreciate each and every day for the opportunity to connect to my emotions and understand where I am holding them in my body.
My learning is a lifetime of practice.
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