Understanding the MindBody Connection - Connective Tissue
Connective tissue is the glue in your body. It provides support, flexibility, and strength required to support internal organs and structures such as blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves.
At 25, I was seeing a specialist, Dr. Norman Thomas, for TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) problem. I was having splint therapy (an appliance put into the mouth to assist with the realignment of my TMJ’s). This therapy usually helps the TMJ’s become stable and allow for further treatment, such as braces to straighten teeth that will support the TMJ realignment. However, after four years, Dr. Thomas was having problems stabilizing my TMJ’s. He tried to figure it out, asking, “Are you a singer? Are you wearing your splint?” I’m not a singer, and yes, I was wearing my splint.
In addition, I continued to be plagued with on-going obscure symptoms such as fevers and, most notably, fatigue. I often thought, “how can other people seem to be healthy and live a normal life.” Such as going to work, having a social life, remaining healthy, and I couldn’t.” I believed that everyone felt like me and just coped better. Maybe they did, I never asked how other people felt. It just wasn’t something people generally spoke about.
Dr. Thomas determined that something else was going on, and I needed a diagnosis. During this time, Dr. Thomas was teaching physiology at the University of Alberta, and he connected me with a rheumatologist who was unable to diagnose me. I didn’t give up and spoke with a Genetics Nurse at a Health Unit in Edmonton, Alberta. After reviewing my medical file, speaking with me and determining that I was mentally stable, she recommended me to a Genetics doctor.
I didn’t hear from the doctor and still didn’t know what was causing my symptoms. During the next visit with Dr. Thomas, I said: “I hadn’t heard anything.” Dr. Thomas had received a letter, and he knew what the diagnosis was. I was diagnosed with a rare disorder called; Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Type 11. There are no tests for this type of EDS, and it is clinically diagnosed. A clinical diagnosis is made through the patient’s complaints based merely on signs, symptoms and medical history.
Once I knew the diagnoses, I said to Dr. Thomas: “Great, what’s the cure?” With tears in his eyes, Dr. Thomas said: “There is no cure.” Dr. Thomas is an oral pathologist, specializing in TMJ. Dr. Thomas has lectured all over the world on TMJ conditions, diseases and therapies. He told me that he did his thesis in EDS and had waited a lifetime to find someone with the diagnoses. I became part of a case study.
We now knew the reason my TMJ’s were so floppy. As it happens, EDS severely affects the TMJ’s. At 25, I had arthritis in my left TMJ comparable to someone who was 75 years old. I continued with TMJ therapy, utilizing several appliances in my mouth, including bracing, to counter the effects that EDS had done to my oral health.
Once I was diagnosed, I wanted information on this rare disorder and was told I had to go to the USA. I believed others in Canada, possible 100’s were affected by rare diseases. That they also felt desperate for information and alone. I decided that I was going to create an organization for rare disorders in Canada. I founded the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) in 1987. I did help 100’s, then 1000’s and came to realize that 10% or over 3 million Canadians are affected by over 6000 rare disorders. I truly believed by helping others, I would help myself. This did help me for a time. However, it was only the beginning of my path to healthiness.
After my near-death experience, I knew there was true healing. However, I was unsure how to access this healing, and it took me another 10 years to find that truth.
My emotions were stuck in the connective tissue, and I was diagnosed with a connect tissue disease! Another aha moment! As a result, my emotions had harmed my entire body, and I was showing physical symptoms. Yes, I had a diagnosis without a medical cure. So, what was the treatment?
“Emotions don’t have to get stuck in the connective tissue and energy system of your body, burying themselves ever deeper with the passing years.”
The most important thing I learned was that I needed to connect to my feelings and that I had buried them deep within me. I had learned so much in life, yet I hadn’t learned how to connect to my feelings. I began to understand who and what created my understanding of life, good or bad. The knowledge helped me not to blame them or it. I soon learned how to forgive them and myself. I now embrace the experience(s) and gratefully accepted them as lessons learned.
For me, truth is based in the MindBody Connection. Louise Hay teaches this in her book ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’ Once I accessed ‘The List,’ I began to see how many symptoms in my body were a direct cause of my perceptions, believes, thoughts and the way society had taught me to understand physical dis-ease.
“Emotions are the language of the body. And they are also a record of the past.”
Fifteen years ago, I started the process of releasing old hurts, anger and grievances and began to experience physical healing. I went onto yet another career where I was a Team Leader in the disability sector. I worked an average of 50 to 60 hours per week and, for the most part, was healthier in my 50’s, then I was in my 20’s.
There are times I still experience physical dis-ease. However, now I recognize that my body is telling me something. I have the tools and utilize them to overcome, understand and become healthy once again.
“We still need to clear old hurts, anger and grievances from our bodies. The health benefits of this are immense.”
Essential oils for emotional release include Rose, Geranium, Patchouli, Basil Sweet, Peppermint, and Lemon, in addition to oils such as Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, and Bergamot which can support general mental health.